The Foundation
The philosophy of the Foundation El legado andalusí is expressed through a series of objectives defined through actions that represent and have represented the nature of our project over more than twenty:
• To disseminate the role that Spain and Andalusia have played in history as cultural bridges between the East and the West and their relations with the countries of the Mediterranean and Latin America.
• To strengthen our links with all these countries on the basis of our common history.
• To contribute to making this common history and heritage useful to improve our perception of “the other” and to establish relationships that can help to achieve a more humane and supportive world.
• To recover the knowledge of the civilisation of al-Andalus and the dissemination of its cultural legacy, as a constituent part of our signs of identity.
• To highlight the rich monumental and artistic heritage of al-Andalus.
• To promote cultural and rural tourism, the environment, the arts and the traditional trades and crafts related to the history of al-Andalus.
• To create and promote The Routes of El legado andalusí throughout the region of Andalusia, and even beyond, including around 200 towns and villages.
• To create a network of Cultural Itineraries aiming at fostering cooperation and dialogue between the parties involved; a real meeting point where both national and international public spheres and civil society get together to disseminate a common heritage and history that contribute to establishing ties of union and solidarity between peoples: the actions carried out by El legado andalusí in this framework are based on cultural cooperation and exchanges between the member countries of these Routes.
• To promote relations and collaboration between the different countries along the Itineraries, a fact that reaffirms the transnational character of El legado andalusí.
• To celebrate thematic exhibitions in order to reveal the splendour and contributions of the civilization of al-Andalus in the fields of history, daily life, characters, architecture, art, literature or science, both nationally and internationally.
• To catalogue the architectural heritage of the period of al-Andalus. The contribution of El legado andalusí in this field has been materialised in different studies and publications.
• To organize cultural meetings, musical performances and other events to contribute to the dissemination of this cultural legacy.
• To publish scientific, informative and educational books related to al-Andalus, the Arab and Mediterranean world and Latin America.