Project “European Cultural Tourism Network. ECTN”


Implementation Period: 2005-2007

ECTN was a pioneer project in constituting a network capable of joining tourism and the industry of cultural professionals in different regions of Europe. The network of partners shared a common goal: to develop tourist development itineraries around the cultural heritage in the participating regions, sharing the real experiences between these countries to promote economic development and job creation through these cultural routes.

Partners: El legado andalusí Andalusian Public Foundation, Council of Tourism of Wales (leader), Oviedo Chamber of Commerce, Latvia Tourist Development Agency, Turku Science Park Ltd., Tourism Technical Center (MOSKE), Government Corporation of the County of Huelva, Regional Development Agency for Northern Hungary, Midland Regional Authority, Vastra Gotaland Region, Autonomous Region of Valle D’Aosta.

Countries: Wales, Spain, Finland, Latvia, Turkey, Hungary, Ireland, Sweden and Italy

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