Arcos de la Frontera, a dragon made in lime and stone

Arcos de la Frontera, a dragon made in lime and stone< MORE ARTICLESArcos de la Frontera, on the Route of the Almoravids and Almohads, stands out between the mountain range of Cádiz and the fertile plain of Jerez as if it was a stranded ship. Romans called it Arx...


Almería < MORE ARTICLESAlong the Route of the Alpujarras, Almería counted itself the most important seaport in al-Andalus; hence its defence had to be extraordinary and, consequently, Abd-er-Rahman conceived its citadel as a palace-fortress that became the most...

The gold of the Alhambra

The gold of the Alhambra < MORE ARTICLES The gold of friendship is priceless; even more if it leads you to know genuine gold. And in Granada, there is such a possibility. A friend of mine revealed to me this well-known secret, perhaps the best kept of all in a...

Castillo de Locubín. The anvil of time

Castillo de Locubín. The anvil of time ​< MORE ARTICLESIn the Route of the Caliphate, nestling against a hillock, Castillo de Locubín offers a breath-taking view that overlooks its adjoining provinces: Granada, Córdoba and Jaén. From its fortress, a sight of the...

Signposted the Route of the Alpujarras by El legado andalusí

The Route, declared as Cultural Itinerary of the Council of Europe, includes 28 municipalities in the Alpujarra region belonging to the provinces of Almeria and Granada. The Andalusian Public Foundation El legado andalusí has accomplished the signposting of all the...

Medina Sidonia, a crown without a king

Medina Sidonia, a crown without a king  < MORE ARTICLESThere are spots whose mere location foretell its long existence, where its horizon has not changed: same mountains, same plains, or valleys… Yet, man has registered in them their history throughout time....

El Ciego de Cabra and popular lyrics in al-Andalus Part III

The Blind Man of Cabra and popular lyrics in al-Andalus Part III< MORE ARTICLES  For a long time, Spanish medieval poetry was long believed to have had European influence, as its birth was attributed to the appearance of the Occitanian poetry in the south of...

Osuna, landscape and figures

Osuna, landscape and figures< MORE ARTICLESThe flat profile of the Sevillian countryside goes along interrupted by the verticality of its towers, which rise over the cubist design of its urban layout. Whitewashed façades and stone are the supports over which the...

The Blind Man of Cabra and popular poetry in al-Andalus. Part II

The Blind Man of Cabra and popular poetry in al-Andalus Part II< MORE ARTICLES  For a long time, Spanish medieval poetry was long believed to have had European influence, as its birth was attributed to the appearance of the Occitanian poetry in the south of...

Fondón, el reino del Rey Chico según la leyenda

​Fondón, kingdom of El Rey Chico according to legend< MORE ARTICLES​When we speak of the end of al-Andalus, after the disappearance of the Kingdom of Granada, and the subsequent exodus of the last Moorish inhabitants, the Alpujarra region appears to us as the site...

The Blind Man of Cabra and popular poetry in al-Andalus. Part I

The Blind Man of Cabra and popular poetry in al-Andalus Part I< MORE ARTICLES  For a long time, Spanish medieval poetry was long believed to have had European influence, whose birth was attributed to the appearance of the Occitanian poetry in the south of...

Jerez, city of three worlds

Jerez, city of three worlds< MORE ARTICLESJerez de la Frontera is something more than wine, flamenco and horses -either thoroughbred or those of power in motorbikes. Its records get across far different periods, the most outstanding of which, al-Andalus, becomes...

EL legado andalusí launches the course “The interpretation of World Heritage in Andalusia in the 21st century. Advanced technological solutions in the world today”, in collaboration with Descubre Foundation and the University of Granada.

Living Lab in the frame of the European project iHERITAGE: Mediterranean Platform for Cultural Heritage of UNESCO with the co-financing of the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme. The course The interpretation of World Heritage in Andalusia in the 21st...

Images of mills and the Albolafia of Córdoba

Images of mills and the Albolafia of Córdoba < MORE ARTICLES In the course of the Guadalquivir River along its passage by Córdoba, and next to the Roman Bridge, we find some mills and waterwheels of a very singular character, whose origins give us idea of the...

Grazalema, on the underside of History

Grazalema, en el envés de la Historia< MORE ARTICLESThe National Park of the Grazalema Mountains is home of the famous Pueblos Blancos (White Villages), of great natural beauty and long history. Grazalema, in The Route of Almoravids and Almohads is included in the...

Beyond the pillars of Hercules Part II

Beyond the pillars of Hercules Part II< MORE ARTICLESThe Arabs knew the Canary Islands through Ptolemy, and called them Jaza'ir al-Khalidat, "The Eternal Isles," presumably a version of the Greek name. Some sources speak of these islands as if they were legendary,...

Beyond the pillars of Hercules Part I

Beyond the pillars of Hercules Part I< MORE ARTICLES"Where the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean meet are found the lighthouses of stone and bronze built by Hercules, the great king. They are covered with inscriptions and surmounted by statues, which point as if...

Baeza, oblivion and presence

Baeza, oblivion and presence< MORE ARTICLESThe Route of the Nasrids is home not only to genuine art relics from the Al-Andalus period; cities like Baeza are the quintessence of the Spanish Renaissance   I reached Baeza after having read a historical account as...

Bibarrambla, from al-Andalus to the Christian era

Bibarrambla, from al-Andalus to the Christian era< MORE ARTICLES​Bib al-Rambla, Bib-Ramla, or Bibarrambla, as this square was called with different names by one or the other. The Christians, after their conquest of Granada, must have been attracted by the mystery...

Loja, amid snow and wheat

Loja, amid snow and wheat< MORE ARTICLES ​As we follow the Route of Washington Irving and we get to Loja, it is hard to imagine it sheltered by gorges so admiringly described by Andalusian poets and the Romantic travellers.   It is harder still to go back to...

Al-Andalus and Occitania

Al-Andalus and Occitania< MORE ARTICLES Arabs chronicles from the 8th century noted the increasing in Arab settlements in Septimanie whose intention was to remain this fertile land in southeastern France. However, the political upheavals and the famine that hit the...

Baena, in the Highland domains

Baena, in the Highland domains< MORE ARTICLES According to Al-Idrisi, the noted 12th-century geographer from Ceuta, the city of Bayyana (Baena) was “a large fortress built on an elevated land which rises above the olive groves, wheat fields and fig trees that...

The exhibition “Culinary Art in the Cordoba of al-Andalus”, organised by El legado andalusí in collaboration with the provincial Delegation of Culture and Historical Heritage of Cordoba and the Archaeological Museum of Cordoba, has been inaugurated at the Teatro Cómico Principal, in Cordoba.

The Andalusian Public Foundation El legado andalusí, the Delegation of Culture and Historical Heritage of the Andalusian Regional Government in Córdoba and the Archaeological Museum of Córdoba have co-organised the exhibition “Culinary Art in the Córdoba of...

The vanished Arab monuments of Granada

​The vanished Arab monuments of Granada < MORE ARTICLES The capital of the Nasrid kingdom was extraordinarily populated for its time, with a considerable architectonic density. At the beginning of the 19th century, there were still many remains that survived from...

Niebla, alone and distant

Niebla, alone and distant< MORE ARTICLES Surrounded by the biggest walled enclosure of Europe, Niebla has important artistic treasures from different eras and distinct backgrounds. Its history deserves to be told.The old road linking Seville to Huelva crossed the...

Walks through Córdoba

Walks through Córdoba     In the present-day Cordoba flutters its glorious past, that officially dates back to 152 BC, when praetor Claudius Marcellus turned the city into a patrician colony and the capital city of the Roman province Hispania Ulterior. It...

Benjamín of Tudela. Through sacred geography

Benjamín of Tudela: through sacred geography< MORE ARTICLES Benjamin of Tudela was ahead of other famous travellers such as Ibn Jubair or Ibn Battuta, who wrote about their journeys through works known as rihla, a genre in which our author produced his travel book...

Walks through Almería

Walks through Almería  "When the castle of Almeria comes to sight, you will be close to an ocean of generosity, its port made of pearl and coral. As you depart from there, your heart will be filled with memories." Ibn Darray al-Qastalli The Cerro de la Alcazaba...

Zuheros, the memorable view

Zuheros, the memorable view< MORE ARTICLES Glimpsed from afar, the rocky nature of this village on The Route of the Caliphate lets us know in advance the beauty of the place and its marvellous surroundings.Halfway along the road that ascends at a crawl over karstic...

Abu Hamid al-Garnati and the wonders of the world

Abu Hamid al-Garnati and the wonders of the world < MORE ARTICLES Abu Hamid al-Garnati was an important figure from Granada who wrote about a considerable number of subjects throughout his ninenty years. For his travel stories he followed the Arab tradition of the...