Al-Andalus and the horse
1st April – 15th July, 1995
Cloister of Santo Domingo, Jerez de la Frontera. Cádiz
No. of exhibits: 88. No. of visitors: 77,534
Exhibition curator: Mr. José María Pérez García (Jerez City Council)
This exhibition brought together all the aspects related to the world of the Arabian horse in Spain. Its origins, breeds, tacks and saddles of different styles and many other elements related to this animal were brought closer to the public in this exhibition.
The horse has been an essential element in Andalusia, a way of life that has marked an entire culture. When Andalusia consolidated as a cultural center, the horse was present, participating substantially in all those transformations.
The exhibition aimed to highlight the importance of the horse regarding agriculture and trade in past times and its contribution to the conquest processes.
The exhibition covered the following topics: The horse as a vehicle of war; The horse as a vehicle of peace; The horse as a communication vehicle; History and evolution; Horse tacks and harnesses; Medical-veterinary evolution; The specificity of the Arabian horse and the Spanish horse; The Arabian horse and its economic relevance today; and The presence of the horse in art.
This exhibition was not strictly focused on the concept of the horse itself. The common thread was the conception of the horse as a faithful companion of man throughout history.
Among the objects on display the visitor could contemplate a wide range of stirrups, bits, spurs, saddles, horseshoes and Carthaginian coins, or Emperor Carlos V’ saddle. It was worth highlighting the singular video production, simultaneously projected on the walls, a giant screen and the ceiling.