Paradises of the Old South. Historical images of gardens of Andalusia and the Maghreb
From 27th May to 12th October 2021
Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo, Granada
Under the title “Paradises of the Old South. Historical images of gardens of Andalusia and the Maghreb”, this exhibition entails an approach to unique spaces, witnesses of the past, after their changes and evolution over time. In some cases, they have preserved their essential values: Gardens. They are fragile places, at times ephemeral, although some of them have endured over centuries, being in use still nowadays.
The exhibition is curated by José Tito Rojo and Manuel Casares Porcel, and it is composed of a carefully chosen selection of old photographs of the historical gardens of Andalusia and Morocco showing their evolution, also by means of old prints, models, etc. Also included are gardens of Granada, Málaga, Almería, Córdoba, Sevilla, Tangier, Chaouen, Fez, Tetouan, Marrakesh or Algiers.