Architecture of al-Andalus. Spaces and visions. Corral del Carbón

Architecture of al-Andalus. Spaces and visions. Corral del Carbón

– EXHIBITIONS – Architecture of al-Andalus. Spaces and visions From July 29, 2021 to February 15, 2022 Corral del Carbón. Granada Many of the traces of al-Andalus are still alive and have become part of our environment. One of the most obvious and tangible...
Culinary art in the Córdoba of al-Andalus

Culinary art in the Córdoba of al-Andalus

– EXHIBITIONS – Culinary art in the Córdoba of al-Andalus From 7 July to 17 October 2021 Teatro Cómico Principal de Córdoba Food is one of the richest information sources to learn about a culture. Through the ingredients used for cooking we know whether a...
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