Travelling Images

Travelling Images

– EXHIBITIONS – Travelling images towards 1904. Andalusia in the postcards of Photoglob Co. Zürich 4 July-20 September, 2018 Rectorate building of the Córdoba University, Córdoba Postcards on display: 250 31 October-13 December, 2018 Museum Casa de los...
The Moriscos in the Kingdom of Granada

The Moriscos in the Kingdom of Granada

– EXHIBITIONS – The Moriscos in the Kingdom of Granada 7 September-31 October 2018 Congress and Exhibition Center of Ronda. Málaga No. of exhibits:60 The exhibition The Moriscos in the Kingdom of Granada commemorated the 450th anniversary of the beginning...
Architecture of al-Andalus

Architecture of al-Andalus

– EXHIBITIONS – Architecture of al-Andalus. Spaces and visions. 25 May-15 July 2018 Palacio Abacial, Alcalá la Real. Jaén No. of exhibits: 28 – 30 January-8 March 2019 CAM Foundation Cultural Center. Orihuela, Alicante No. of exhibits: 40 Many of the...
Paradises in the ancient South

Paradises in the ancient South

– EXHIBITIONS – Paradises in the ancient South From 24 May to 26 June, 2013 Pavilion of al-Andalus and Science. Parque de las Ciencias, Granada No. of exhibits: 104 Travelling exhibitions between 2013 and 2017: Arjona (Jaén), Lopera (Jaén), Porcuna (Jaén),...
Motril and the sugar: Landscape, history and heritage

Motril and the sugar: Landscape, history and heritage

– EXHIBITIONS – Motril and the sugar: Landscape, history and heritage 19 July 2013 – 10 January 2014 “Almacén de Azúcar” exhibition hall. Former sugar factory “Ntra. Sra. del Pilar” Motril. Granada No. of exhibits: 350 The exhibition Motril and...